Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Beatles

This week we introduced Charlie to Abbey Road. If "Here Comes the Sun" isn't the most perfect pop song ever written, I don't know what is. Charlie, like everyone else in our family, is really into music and he was just blown away by this album. This is exciting for me and Josh who both grew up loving the Beatles as the toppermost of the poppermost. It's one of those great things about parenting to introduce your kids to your most beloved things. It's also great when they introduce you to new beloved things that they have found.

I have a picture somewhere of me walking the cross walk outside of Abbey Road studios that was taken while I was skulking around London with my friend Krentz sixteen (16!) years ago. It make me think I'd love to recreate that picture with the boys. Astrologically, we have 3/4 of the Beatles in our kids: Nate is a Cancer (Ringo), Ellis is a Pisces (George), and Charlie is a Gemini (Paul). Perhaps we should try to have a Libra fourth child to represent John, our favorite of the bunch. There's something in my Rain Man-like mind that loves the idea of that.

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